This event was created to be a safe space for women while teaching them how to better themselves mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially, creating a life filled with legacy & purpose. The panelists were 5 women who gave gems on how they found
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After many months of preparation, we finally made it! The La Bella Morenita new website launch was sheer success! Special thanks to everyone who made it possible but most importantly to all of you who follow the La Bella
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This weekend I had the pleasure of being on the of the judges at the 3rd Annual Coquito masters Northeast Regional Taste-off held by the International Coquito Federation. The event was hosted at the Puerto Rico Federation Administration. Coquito
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The good people over at High Times invited me to Proposition HT2016 a celebration of the launch of High Times Headwear. The had music, food, and drinks. I loved the vibe of the event very laid back making it
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I recently held the pleasure attending a pop up shop for my dear friend Rene. Rene makes custom hats for men and women. The hats are handmade in Ecuador. He has various colors you can choose from and sizes
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Last night I had a pleasurable conversation with a great man by the name of Haneef Wynn he runs a social mixer where you can network with other professionals as well as promote your business. The energy I received
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