Category: Finance

Everyone is familiar with money, but there’s a lot more to financial freedom than collecting a check and paying bills. The road to building generational wealth can seem a lot less stressful when we’re knowledgeable on how and when
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For that past year I have taking seminars, workshops, and conferences regarding money management and credit. In these series of blogs posts. I will share the information I have learned and how I have applied it to build back
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In this tight economy everyone is trying to find away to cut corner. The truth of the matter is you can still date, give gifts, and have a relationship in these hard economic times. In these stressful times people
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Born Feb 24,1955 in California. He is the co-founder, chairman , and CEO of Apple Inc. and former CEO of Pixar. In the late 1970’s he along with apple’s other co-founder Steve Wozhiak, created the first personal computer. After
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