Category: Be Bella
Last month, I was able to be a part of the second annual Latinas y Cocktails. This is event is for strong, powerful, Latina women to meet, network, but mostly importantly promote one another. I was so excited
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Glitter Lips are a fun way to give your makeup a sexy boost. But there is a fine line between sparkly lips and looking like a disco ball. So if you are wondering where to buy the best, you
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In honor of women’s history month, I wanted to give a special shout out to one of the women who helped make the launch of my website successful with her fabulous make-up skills: Ms. Frances J Beauty! She’s a
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Everybody always asks me where I get clothes for Champagne -so here are some places I highly recommend! I know all the best places because Champagne always looks good right? Here’s a pic of him modeling<3 As you can
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After many months of preparation, we finally made it! The La Bella Morenita new website launch was sheer success! Special thanks to everyone who made it possible but most importantly to all of you who follow the La Bella
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Ladies, meet Dorvilier Olivier. This guy is one of the most talented visual artists on IG and definitely in the real world too! We show love to women of course but we have to show as much love
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