I recently held the pleasure attending a pop up shop for my dear friend Rene. Rene makes custom hats for men and women. The hats are handmade in Ecuador. He has various colors you can choose from and sizes as well as custom pieces you can purchase and get measured for a pure fit. The event space was above the Gansevoort Market in the Meat Packing district of Manhattan. It was a lovely space very intimate and cozy. I have already purchased two hats from Rene and I plan on acquiring more hats in different styles for him, but I really would wish to sit down discuss A totally different winter hat and a summer hat (in case I get a husband and go on vacation lol) you always need a summer hat for those blazing hot beach days. If you have time, please check out his work www.renemantilla.com hope you enjoy the website. It makes an excellent gift fornthe holidays.
Ciao Bella,