Written by Pana: January 25th, 2021
As we all know last week the Inauguration for the 46th President took place and we finally have a new president! President Joe Biden was sworn in last week along with Vice President Kamala Harris. Kamala is the very first woman, African American, and Southeast Asian to be elected into this position. She broke not one, not two, but THREE historic barriers! Kamala is a huge role model to young black and brown girls but, she can be considered a role model for everyone of all ages. Kamala is the true definition of a boss. She has won multiple elections such as being the first woman, African American, and Southeast Asian woman to hold the title of District Attorney of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011 and Attorney General of California from 2011 to 2016. A testimony from our Creative Coordinator Carolynne: “Kamala’s accomplishment as the first Black woman Vice President is important to me because when I was younger, I always wanted to become the first black woman president. As I grew older, I started to realize that there were no presidents or vice presidents that looked like me. In 2008 we had the very first black president, Barack Obama, and now we have the very first black women as Vice President. Although my job choice has since changed, I never knew that I would see the day when such historic barriers were broken.” This week we are working harder than last, we are putting our best foot forward and making sure we accomplish everything we put our minds to. As women we can do any and everything! We hope you enjoy your week! This playlist is all about Women’s Empowerment and is best when listened to whenever you need some motivation! Until next time,
Ciao Bellas 💋