Pisces vs Gemini
Written by: Pana • October 16, 2009
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So I had a run in with a Gemini a couple of years ago, he was decent guy, took me out showed me a good time , wasn’t stingy but one day he flipped out for no reason that is when I seen the other side of him. I believe Gemini’s male/female are two different people the calm and reserved half and the psycho kill you bitch side (males). the females on the other hand will try to be friend you then destroy you behind your back. I think they always got a lot of drama going on in their lives. This encounter was very brief due to the fact that he broke one of my unbreakable rules. I think people believe your joking when you say I will not tolerate certain things, especially since Gemini people have this sex appeal about then I don’t know what that’s about lol. So he played himself and then my ex (who was on hiatus at the time) wanted to work on us, it all happened the way it was suppose to. Needless to say Gemini #1 came back full force I mean he brought 3 dozen roses was blowing my phone up like a stalker (btw that is where the term Stalkerdentay came from) seriously like 30 calls in one hour :o/ . I stuck to my principles gave him no more air time, I have no time for men that try to treat me like the average. I guess he was so use to getting his way that he forgot that there is always an exception to the rule, and I wasn’t like every other chick he dealt with. Moving right along :
So I met another Gemini recently who is very nice, and thoughtful. I sense the person hiding something I can’t put my finger on it hmmmm. Truthful with somethings but not with everything (the devilish grin gives it away). I’m smiling when I type this because I see that this person can potentially become a very good friend. I don’t know about confidant though because I don’t think that they can be a keeper of secrets. I don’t really trust anymore. Since they haven’t given me a reason to mistrust them we will just play it by ear. The only things is that they get testy after they slick and I can tell they don’t like slick talk in return. I’m watching very closely I hope the don’t play the same hand as Gemini #1 cause that will be a shame. I do like the fact that besides confrontation, they are willing to express themselves in different ways. You always know how they feel, think, etc. Most of all the feeling with them is light for some reason which is refreshing. I think they are trying to put certain things in place and serious about what they want out of life which I find commendable :o) … Not only that being Pisces people can be sensitive, laid back for the most part, and emotional (only with people the care about) Another reason why it’s always tug of war ! Pisces people get taken advantage of, but don’t get it twisted we are nothing to fuck with and as easy as we swim up stream we will swim down to kick your ass !!! I think it will always be a tug of war. The chemistry is on punto but I get along with anyone that has a good spirit. I’m interested and please believe I’m 2 steps ahead ;oT On the other hand willing to see if this is fact of fiction. Glad I met ya BABE ;op. I was told I will meet a lot of interesting people this year :ox See Me On Top !!!!
Stay tuned……

7 Comments to “Pisces vs Gemini”
  1. Anonymous says:

    who is he?

  2. Pana says:

    Yoou are so noisy anonymous I will only tell people that actually show who they are :o/ lol

  3. SinfulLyo says:

    lol i seriously got tears in my eyes while reading this. girl! i went through the same thing verbatim. this gemini [best sex EVER and the sexiest grin that can make you melt in a second] swept me off of my feet. he was a complete gentleman/sweetheart. he actually courted me…it was so old fashioned and cute. once i finally mustered up the courage to spend the weekend with him it was great! he made me dinner, we watched movies, talked for hours on end, and had an overall good time. we ended up having sex the end of that weekend and it was honestly the best sex i’ve ever had 🙁 things were perfect then shit went left lmfao…gemini’s truly do have two sides because this nigga went from cassanova to leroy in a week. that whole “they can talk slick but can’t handle someone talking slick back to them” thing is true! i’m giving him a round two though smh…we’ll see how this goes.

  4. Pana says:

    Girl about the sex ;0x …but yes they are so sweetest but can get turned off for nothing at all. I guess my run w/gemini is up. I can’t take it. I go all out for people that is the problem. Yea the smile will get ya early bwahaha ;o) (devilish grin).

  5. Pana says:

    PS lmfao @ Leroy true story.

  6. SinfulLyo says:

    lmao i’m glad i’m not alone. i should have known he was trouble [2 kids/2 baby mamas]. it’s the charm that got me 🙁 and girl TRUST ME, i am guilty of going all out and getting nothing in return! i’m trying to change though :]

  7. Pana says:

    Yes I feel you, on the 2 kids / 2Bm thing because that’s is the same thing making give the side eye. To be frank I really don’t like dating someone that has children for that same reason. I know it might seem a little crazy but I really just don’t want to deal with the bs , the more a phase out with standards the better. :o)