Everyone has a personality trait or flaw (non phyiscal) they need to work on. I decided to make this a 2 part blog exploring positive movements the first step is admitting there is a problem lol. I interviewd a couple people to see if what their concerns were. Of course I’ll start with myself Let get it !
* Pana – I want to become a better listener, right now I am a decent listener but I am quick to comment.I think I need to gather all information befroe I can comment and make a proper assestment in turn giving and recieving better responses.
*Angela – said her biggest flaw she would like to change is the fact that she has low self-esteem.
* PrettyLadyZay – said she would change how she deals with men ” I want more of a back bone when it comes to NOT dealing with bs from them like my mom she is the truth”
*Audra – said she would like to excerise more patience with people.
What is one personality trait that you would like to change/ work on within yourself ?? Be Honest !