Category: relationships

Great Morning as my friend Chef Jay says lol I was in bed last night thinking about the times where I have felt like I was alone, and the people I thought I was close to was
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Hola Bellas, I am awake perusing one of my favorite blogs and I come across this outfit choice for a date night or dinner with the girls.I do not know if it just me but I love getting dolled
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This past month has been one of the hardest months for me. I’ve been fighting with my gut instinct for quite some time. Being faced with life changing decisions tends to weigh heavy on you mentally, emotionally, and
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I recently decided I want to do what I love and along with faith and prayer everything will come together (I have to trust in that) I am utilizing my talents to sustain my lifestyle while working on my
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I am the definition of #LaBellaMorenita I am loyal and giving. Living #labellalife is all about giving and helping others while catering to your spiritual well being. #bebella ??✨ #BornAndMade @carolsdaughter

I would like to discuss about how being in the wrong relationship can effect your life mentally and spiritually. As usual when I speak of relationships I mean all family, friendship and intimacy. As I began my 30’s
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