In part one of this series I stated that I wanted to go some where with Black and Pink sand. That is one my list of things to do before I have children and die lol (list is another blog in itself). Anyway I thought I would share another “fantasy” if you want to call it that or my idea of a perfect date, or I moment in the movie playing in your head. *Side Note I do not believe in perfection is the normal sense of the word* but what is right according to my standards (not something w/o flaws).
Anyway back to what I was saying I love going to the movies, bowling (even though I suck), skating (don”t even get me started on that I’m the worse) , plays, museums, and of course going out to eat . I dislike people that lacks originality when it comes to dating.
My perfect is simple maybe a dinner, followed by a walk in central park preferably in spring early fall months. Another idea is a carriage ride. I prefer not in winter time because it is so cold I want to enjoy it (but with the right man it could be dreamy) and you know my motto there are always exceptions that proves the rule. I find thoughtful date ideas maybe be a little more time consuming the the traditional dinner/movie date….but those fine details is what separate your BF/GF and Husband/Wife. So simple but yet, for some hard. this year I am going to make it happen !!
This is just my what’s in my mind.
Live, Life ,Change, and Most Importantly LOVE HARD anything else is uncivilized.