What a day! What a momentous event to have been part of! The Women’s March on Washington was held in Washington, D.C. throughout the city. There were women dressed in pink, Muslim women wearing hijabs, black women with afros; women of all races and backgrounds attended the march in unity and love.
Equal rights for women have been a quest that has yet to be fully realized but we haven’t given up. There are still many injustices that women face today that should be protested. One of these injustices is the de-funding of Planned Parenthood. As a woman, I have personally used Planned Parenthood’s services but unfortunately under the Trump regime, it might not be available anymore.
Besides the basic human rights that women have been denied over the years: equal pay, etc; there was another fight to be fought at the women’s March: the presidency of Donald Trump. There are many of us in this country who are discontent with claiming Donald Trump as president because of his crass nature and racist disposition. When it comes to women, Donald Trump is completely disrespectful and doesn’t concern himself with our rights at all.
Well, that’s what the march was for! It was for Trump, for government, for all the oppressive people and factions in place that continue to keep women oppressed. It was to remind our fellow woman that we are with her, that we are united, that we are all fighting the same fight no matter what we look like. It was for the women who laid the groundwork during the Women’s Suffrage movement. It was for us, because now we carry the torch. Now we hold the weight of our movement on our backs. Now it is up to us to demand change and equality no matter who’s in office.
The Women’s March on Washington was such a special day and I’m so glad to have been a part of it.
United We Stand!