AP Photo/ Ricardo Moraes
Everyone hears about the escapades that go on in Brazil all year round. My father always says that he is going to escape everyday madness and hide out so we couldn’t find him. I says back to him we would know where to find you right in Brazil while laughing. He says back while smiling I need a new hiding place ;o) lol. Anyway I always hear stories about Brazil and the exotic women, lifestyle, and parties. anyway back to the blog I decided to write about safe sex because i was reading a article that this year during carnival Brazil will hand out 65 million condoms to promote safe sex. Carnival kicked off Friday (August 7) and the Brazilian Government is trying to aid in keeping attendees well prepared in hopes that will promote safer sex practices. This marks a 20 million increase over what they usually distribute every month. (wow) Brazil is the worlds Leading government buyer of prophylactics, spending around 36 million to purchase 1.2 billion condoms. This effort is to aide The Anti- HIV and AIDS Campaigns in that country. I commend The Brazilian Government for trying aide in the prevention of HIV & AIDS and promoting safe sex.
In my research (through conversation and reading *for statistics please see below) a lot people have misconceptions about having sex with prophylactics. I was talking to my home boy the other day and he said he was seeing a girl that had a boyfriend. They were in the process of becoming intimate when she professed that she doesn’t like to use condoms :oO . She doesn’t have sex at all with condoms. Needless to say that was a deal breaker according to him. The night ended with that statement (bwah haha). So I asked why ? (out of curiosity) He replied because she has a man, she barley knows me and she doesn’t know who I’m dealing with etc etc. Which at the time I thought it was a good answer (that ninja know he hit it j/k) but then as I replayed the conversation in my mind (as I always do) and wondered if she didn’t have a man would that have made a difference ? Would it be all good ? (no offense) lol seriously. I was talking to another friend of mine and he expressed that they way he chooses who he sleep with or performs oral sex on is determined by how she carries herself, appearance, etc.. ( I wanted to say are you kidding me?) but who am I to judge (shrugs). I think people had that mentality when they was younger to have that same mentality now that I’m grown I don’t think so. I am scared to be quite honest, and I’m not scared of anything. They fact that I could catch a life threaten disease, and it would be nobodies fault but my own I can’t do it for myself fuck the people! Looks are deceiving not only that are more and more people determining who they become intimate with based on rapport and appearance ? I know your thinking ” I’m in a relationship or no I would never, and last but not least they looked clean. We have all probably made poor decisions in the past especially when we were younger. Unless you both seen each others test results prior to sleep with each other, you are leaving it to chance. Even after initial testing I suggest periodic testing. Men do not go to the doctor they only get checked out when their shit is burning (smh). Shit some never go to the dentist :o/. In my last relationship I was tested before and after (full work up). If you want to be call “grown” (another blog entirely) then you should start making grown decisions regarding your health. Some of us make grown decisions everyday we pay rent/mortgage, pay bills, trade/invest in stocks, manage 401k, getting married, having babies etc and do not take there health seriously. It is time to step up to the plate take control of your life and more importantly your health.
In what ways do you think you could promote safe sex in your neighborhood ?
Hmmm I think I want to do an event surrounding this very topic .
Thoughts …………
I call it the Superman Syndrome when people seem to think it(diseases) can happen to everyone but them or the people they chose to have some form of sex with.
I’ve been told the same thing as your friend by a few women about them not liking/using condoms. In the words of Big Pun, “Go that way! Loser!”
A woman can be very physically appealing but if she doesn’t get regular paps and std tests then she’s nasty.
A person is nasty if they are promiscuous and never get tested and his/her excuse is “I always use condoms.” I know people say it, but I don’t know anyone that uses dental dams/condoms when it comes to oral sex. I know a couple of guys that got gonorrhea in the mouth from going downtown on the wrong woman.
I always advocate condoms with any sexual contact. I’ve given out bags condoms to my sexually active homeboys that I picked up from a clinic. I also recommend they all try out a female condom at least once (with the gf of course.)
If I know there is free testing going on somewhere, I tell everyone I know and ask them to spread the word. Ignorance isn’t bliss when it comes to one’s health.