Mecca & Pana |
Speedy & Meeka Claxton w Meeca of Pynk Mag, Devon of Bleu Mag |
I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Mecca of Pynk Magazine. We had a meeting while we were suppose to be bowling at friends Meeka and Speedy Claxton‘s house. By the time I arrived, the business meeting had already started so I dived right in. I gave my input while also listening and taking in some new information. I learned quite a bit. My first impression of Meeca was very cool, down earth, about her business and knows her shit ! After spending some time with her I realized that she is vibrant, blunt, articulate, genuine, among other things. Needless to say I fell in love off the first meeting. Her vibe was that dope. She is a true La Bella Morenita .
Name 5 things that people do not know about you ?
That I am Nice , Nice, Nice, Nice, Nice, Nice, Nice !!!!! People think I am crazy lol.
What inspired you to start Pynk Magazine ?
Pynk ! I have been a publicist for a lot of years, and after doing PR I went to Europe for a little to work on a project. I was over there for a little over a month. I usually go to Europe about 2 months out the year. Trace has a network out there and when I saw that I am like yo this is …..OK like they made a huge staple and now they have a huge network. I wanted to create something I felt that can live on way beyond the magazine. Something that can just keep going. I was already doing PR for Bleu Magazine. Devon and I already had a business relationship. On a personal level we are complete opposites lol. We were able to come together and partner up since there was already a relationship and from there Pynk was born.
What has been your favorite interview in Pynk Mag so far ?
We had a lot a lot a lot of fun with Tamar and Vince. Tamar Braxton is actually on the current cover of Pynk Magazine for our summer issue. She is everything you see on t.v but nothing like what you see at the same time. They are the sweetest most humble couple ever. That’s a different type of money right there. Vince is so cool and easy breezy. I remember when we were shooting her and Vince called up Nick Cannon, we previously shot Nick for Bleu Magazine. Nick said he had such a great time working with us and we were a real cool crew. I think they always kind of recognized what we were doing. We kind of made a splash when we started but that was one of the moments when I was like OK they enjoyed working with us and I am glad they enjoyed it. Tamar and I had fun together and she is really cool.
She is a fellow Pisces
Yes she is (laughs)
What advice would you give to other women aspiring to start their own business ?
Believe in yourself, Most importantly believe in your movement !! Follow your dreams and don’t wait! Do not feel like it is difficult! Yea, I want you to make money and to work these other jobs. Be true to what it is you want to do exactly. Believe that dreams really do come true. I never thought that I would own a magazine. When I was in school, I wouldn’t have that I would be a magazine owner. I thought I would be next Janet Jackson lol. But I am here and in a great space and I am happy about it.
What is your fashion must have at the moment ?
Blazers! I am all about blazers. I am a shoe girl til I die !!! In my house I have a whole room of shoes. Real fly shoes. I am also about cool accessories. We have pynk accessories now. We have t-shirts anything fly everything pynk .
What / Who is your biggest influence right now ?
My biggest influence as far as person right now is Michaela Angela Davis she is a former fashion editor and activist. She she works with BET. I do not think Michaela realizes what kind of a big deal she is . We just did a piece on her for a segment called Watch Her Work. When I have conversations with her I am in awe. I want to take all of this information in. If there was anyone that I would want to emulate and admire it would be her. She is so positive and has a great attitude. She just has a great vision on where urban culture needs to go and where African American woman need to go. She even has a mentoring program .
We also did a piece on Dia Simms, EVP of Blue Flame. We did a piece on her for Watch Her Work. Amazing Woman! She has been able to do amazing things within a short period of time. I do not think people give her enough credit for what she has done with Puffy, Bad Boy and Ciroc.
As far as company and businesses, I am a fan of all of my now competitors
Vibe, Jones Magazine, Honey etc. We remixed these magazines and I think we bring a fresh perspective. I want to keep the momentum that Honey used to have. Honey and Suede were magazines that made me think that I could be a cool black girl. Our tag line at
Pynk is : Pretty, Powerful and Provocative but I want people to read my magazines and go to my website and feel that way.
Thank you so much for taking the time meet with me I appreciate it
No problem at all
Follow Pynk Mag on twitter : @PynkMag and on instagram : PynkMag #thinkpynk
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aren’t those pool balls dope pause lol |