I would like to think I am the type of perosn that is “What I am suppose to be, when I am suppose it” (if ya don’t know now ya know lol) . I can/tend to wear many hats. I am VERY sarcastic, so people that Don’t know me can think I’m rude. Those that love me think I’m funny (hey I’m not making this up :op). I can be talkative at times , I find that it comes from always being alone and keepingto myself growing up :o/ (but fuck it either love me or leave me alone). My friend Gucci Shoes says that if she didn’t know me she wouldn’t like me. (in fact before she knew me she used to feel that way ah a stan lol) . LMFAO at the fact women can dislike someone whom they never have never met. Anyway the reason why people may feel that way is because I keep a straight face —> :oI ….even when I am happy ” I am not mad I’m just drawn that way” lol (just like my papi). I tend to only smile with people I know or deal with. I am selfless person, I do too much and almost always NEVER receive half of what I put out. I am so blessed because I think I turned out pretty good giving that I have raised myself for the most part. I can be a bitch when I feel disrespected.
I haven’t spoken to you guys in a bit so I wanted you to know more about me the person, you always get my opinion and views about my blog topics but never anything too personal. I want you to know what I think and feel, I want you tell me about what you think and feel. Ok so in the past 7 months I have moved, re-evaluated relationships causing some people to be removed from my life, I do not consider this a bad thing it is just that sometimes you reach another level and some people cannot make that journey with you. If you do not have the same morals and principles then what do we have ? Seriously talking about shopping and men can only get you but so far :o/ . I need and crave substance. the older we get our priorities changes we focus more on family or building a family. I’m a hopeless romantic realistic but I love the word LOVE it is a great and POWERFUL thing. I hope you have enjoyed your experience getting inside my head by reading my blogs. I have decided to step it up a notch. I will continue to write about relationship (friends,family,intimate) but also I would like to discuss other topics concerning some of my readers so there will be more sex , and I will like to incorporate art , fashion, and most importantly parenting because more and more readers are becoming parents or they already are.
With that being said I am a sensitive bitch (yes in both respects) that is Loyal , Honest, and Down to earth !
Ciao Kisses,
Next Blog Topic – Bonk for free much lol
Good Post i have missed your writings
Thanks I’m on vacay but will be writing on Fri