Tocarra has my coat on in camel (yes I’m big’n up myself it’s my blog lol) Anyway she is just as she is on tv..she has a very big personality a sweet heart. She should stay at her current weight she doesn’t need to lose anything else. Luv ya Toccara !
Looky here J.D Williams (the guy from the wire), Ray J, and John Amos (from Good Times, what he doing there lol).
Shari Shepard (from the view) looking beautiful.
Kiesha Knight Pulliam ( dress was poppin…I thought she was curvier than that). I had to break color code for that one.
Now for the good stuff……I get a call from my Slient Partner (thanks Brooklyn Carter for the usage I luv it…..check her out @ absolutebrook.blogspot.com) telling me that there was some tickets to the movie premiere and if I wanted them..(who would turn them down ?!!) I recieved the email with the invite but for some strange reason I could not retrieve the damn attachment (arrrggghhh sigh) anyway after countless attempts I recieved another email with address and time. I quickly confirm after that …….this is at like 3:30 pm the premiere starts at 7:30 pm and I I do not work anywhere near manhattan and my hair is as mess. It’s flat no type of body (i’m holding out until my bday) I know what you are thinking you gotta keep it tight because you never know who might run into or who will invite you out (smh @ myself). I was going to decline but then my spidey senses stepped in and reminding me that Too Kool Kay aka Gucci Shoes (yes i’m calling you out lol. She was the first person I thought of when i found out I had a extra ticket)My down ass BFF bought me a hat for Xmas. I was so THIRSTY to go that I went all the way home just to get the hat lmao. So I get on the bus it’s 5:45 pm Gucci hit me on bbm saying she was leaving work (now mind you Gucci started work @ 12 pm she was an hour late that morning and now was leaving early her scheduled time was 8pm ) in 10 min. Aight cool I almost missed the train… (thanks to my umbrella ella ella aaa) I didn’t. So I get there with with time to spare (dead @ me taking the bus and train to a premeire). It’s a recession get with it or get lost !!! We walk in Tyler had just walked the red carpet etc…with these little white girls saying I love you Tyler ..looking thirsty. I walk up to will call give my name …and we are escorted to the premiere …..They had bottled water, popcorn, soda for guests. Which I thought was nice because I was hungry. We find our seats I’m seating behing Judge Mathis , and the man that plays Mr. Brown he really sounds like that in person lmao. The beautiful Phylicia Rashaad is also sitting behind me …Tyler gets up starts talking about the movie, making jokes etc (He really can do Madea @ the drop of a hat smh LMAO)…Rudy makes her grand entrance the movie begins…………………..The movie was very funny….there was some parts of it that I was like naw kinda OD….I still enjoyed it.
The after party was at TAO resturant in NYC ( for those that aren’t familiar). I expected it to be a line outside etc…but it wasn’t…a breath of fresh air not like a damn hip hop party with those fake industry insiders. It had room to mix, mingle, and network. I was talking to this lady in radio she was really sweet. I recognized almost everyone in attendance. One person I was talking to asked for my business card …and I didn’t have one (note to self get business cards immediatley). The food was excellente, muy muy bieno. they had sushi (don’t you dare ask me how it tastes), a meat carving station (Gucci said it melted in her mouth it was so tender), my favorite scallops literally melted in my mouth, also shrimp. All in all the food was on point !!! I was so thirsty I had the waiter bring me 3 skewers back (of course he was latino so I worked my spanish magic lol)….Just then i realized that it was 12 am and I have to get up @4:45am I was like it’s ova for this I’m outtro..Gucci grabed 2 more chocolate covered strawberries and we made our was to coat check…The funny part is we pretty muched stayed to ourselves just chatting up about this and that..And we both agreed that we had sooo much fun !!!
Until next time Gucci ….. I will post pics of me n Too Kool K after my honey see’s them
***Slient Parnter*** $&Y=R ;o )
P.S. Gracias soyou tanto por las entradas. Aprecié them. To decir lo menos siempre se le amaba! Ok my spanish is jacked up…but you get the drift ***DEAD** lol