Lightening Soft Paws is based in Portland, Oregon and specializes in providing natural remedies for rough paws. They make cute little oils and rubs for all dogs and their story is so inspiring.
Lightening Soft Paws was created because of this cutie below. His name is Kai Lightning Bolt and he was adopted from the desert with the roughest paws you could imagine. Lightening Soft creator scoured the land to find a natural product for Kai to soften his paws but couldn’t find it; so Lightening Soft was created.
I really really love this product. It promotes a natural, healthy way to take care of your dog’s paws and keep them fresh.
What’s so cool is that they have a cream for your dog’s snout too! Your dog can be fresh across the board!
I show love to all businesses, big and small and wanted to send a La Bella hug to Lightening Soft Paws. I love what they’re doing and support their growth!
My maltipoo Champagne is gonna love this!