This event was created to be a safe space for women while teaching them how to better themselves mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially, creating a life filled with legacy & purpose. The panelists were 5 women who gave gems on how they found their purpose while building their legacy. Charylnn spoke about the importance of perseverance, juggling personal life, family and career. She helped women discover how to find their purpose while leaving a legacy, which she manages to do through her non-profit organization House of Gem. A fabulous woman with knowledge and information can lead her legacy for any purpose, which is what Crystal has done in fashion and lifestyle. She shared her story on following her dreams on a budget, encouraging women to do what works for them. Lindsay helped women get their finances together by teaching them the proper way to not only create a budget, but stick to it. She educated women on all things financial including 401k’s, IRA, and creating generational wealth instead of generational debt. Alex shared her story on finding herself again, and how that led her to writing her book “The M in Man is for Money.” With her story, she taught women how to brand themselves and leave a legacy behind them. Jessica ended the event with peace of mind, teaching women the importance of personal rituals and how to incorporate them into your daily life. Keep up with these ladies on Instagram:
Alex: @passport_cutty
Jessica: @ShopHellNotesforBeauty
Crystal: @dayinthelifeofcrys
Lindsay: @lindsaySmiththeagent
Charlyn: @Iamcharylnnater