We’re all very familiar with clay masks from popular brands like Clinique, L’Oreal, etc but this right here? It is love! The two products pictured above are Indian Healing Clay by Aztec Secret and Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar.
Firstly, when it comes to Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar, it’s not just good for your face; it’s great for everything. It is also used as an internal cleansing method. You can pour a shot of it daily to drink! It has been said to cleanse toxins in the body, help get rid of high cholesterol, heart problems, cold symptoms, acne, and much more. There are other brands of apple cider vinegar but I swear by this one and it’s definitely the most palatable.
Now, the Aztec Secret mask is a gem in itself. It works wonders by itself. It purifies your skin and simply put gets rid of toxic waste in your face. I believe in this product because it just works. No doubt about it.
Try it for yourself!
What you will need:
- A sizeable amount of Aztec Secret’s Indian Healing Clay
- One good pour of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar
- Plastic utensil (spoon)
The Regiment is as follows:
- Mix the clay and vinegar with a PLASTIC utensil (can only be plastic for safety purposes)
- Apply to face
- Let it sit until it dries (you’ll notice you’re face getting very tight, it’s normal!)
- Once it dries, wash it and feel the results!
(Here’s what it looks like from wet to dry!)
The regiment is very loose and is based on each individual’s preferences so all the measurements are up to you. You will definitely notice over the course of just a few weeks how much your face will rejuvenate and see new life. I can’t wait to see you try it! Comment below and let us know how the experience goes for you!
The La Bella Beauty section covers everything from make-up, fashion, and beauty products. Stay up-to-date with all the latest health and beauty products as a woman and especially as a La Bella Morenita. Beauty products for beautiful brown women are either hard to find or are not produced for the masses; which is why you have us! We know every beauty secret for you, you beautiful brown girl, to help you stay beautiful both inside and out!