When I first started La Bella Morenita.com I made a decision to discuss real life topics that people go through everyday. I would like to think that I give you guys that ever so often. Now with that being said back to the topic at hand FREELOADERS ! Some people can agree agree that a favor done once in a while doesn’t count as freeloading but when you take advantage of someone or people in your life your are a freeloader. If it isn’t a even exchange or you are the primary beneficiary of said favor or goods this applies to you. Here are a couple of examples why your are you freeloader :
- If you never contribute to a tab when out with friends or family (this means you are not intimate w/the friend) eating, drinking, shopping etc.
- If a bill comes and your food was $ 40 and you put exactly $40 w/o tax and tip
- If you are invited out and do not state that you are broke and expect others to cover your habits
- If you are invited to someones house for a game night, fight party, any type of gathering and you always come empty handed.
- If you borrow someones car and never put gas in it
- If you are always known for this excuse “I only have my card”
The list goes on and on you get my drift. First off I do not care if you know a millionaire, or a hustler they work for their money either way so do not assume that it is always a free ride FOH ! That I do not have cash shit gets old as hell. I am about to start telling ninjas I accept all major credit cards and I have paypal, the look on the freeloaders face will be priceless. I do not expect a hand out from anyone not even my man. I have always carried my weight one way or another please believe that ! I find that this freeloading business is becoming significantly higher in men nowadays. It really is a shame that you want to hang out and be affiliated but do not want to contribute! This stems from your up bringing and your morals and principles. If that list applies to you grow up and stop being cheap or living above your means any of those options will do !