When Albania Rosario arrived to the United States from the Dominican Republic at age 18, she came alone. She did not speak a word of English. Not one word. But sometimes, vision speaks louder than words. Sometimes not even
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Buenas, I am holding a book club (which is almost full) I have a couple spots still open if anyone would wish to join. All you have to do to sign up is email us at labellamorenita1 at gmail
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I recently decided I want to do what I love and along with faith and prayer everything will come together (I have to trust in that) I am utilizing my talents to sustain my lifestyle while working on my
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Polo released new polo’s for dogs. I am so excited because everyone knows that my Pa aka Champagne my dogs loves to dress up and has super personality lol. In other words he thinks he is human and
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I am the definition of #LaBellaMorenita I am loyal and giving. Living #labellalife is all about giving and helping others while catering to your spiritual well being. #bebella ??
#BornAndMade @carolsdaughter

I would like to discuss about how being in the wrong relationship can effect your life mentally and spiritually. As usual when I speak of relationships I mean all family, friendship and intimacy. As I began my 30’s
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