Black history isn’t just a thing of the past. There are still beautiful black women who are creating history to this day. Imelme Umana is one of those beautiful women. In honor of Black History Month I wanted to give an extra special La Bella Morenita cyber-hug to Imelme for being the first black woman presient of the Harvard Law Review! Congratulations girl!! She’s attending Harvard with a major in African American studies (represent!) and is working to earn her Ph.D. She is the epitome of a La Bella Morenita and of black excellence!
It’s so crazy to think that black people are still the “first” to do certain things; the first to become president of America, the first to become president of the Harvard Law Review, etc. We have come far as a people but that just goes to show how far we have to go.
It’s definitely inspiring to see a young beautiful brown woman excel and be great despite the odds and prejudices that we face inherently. Yaaay Imelme! You go girl!