The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear loyalty is consistency, allegiance, faithfulness, fealty, affection, and devotion. These are very important traits to have. This is apart of my genetic makeup. As I am maturing and observing my daily surroundings I noticed that loyalty hardly exists from the street dudes to mobsters, from businessmen to the campaign trail loyalty is a rare commodity. In my travels I hear men and woman (mostly men) speak about how they want someone loyal especially in the relationship aspect of their lives. Then my question in my head is are you in turn loyal ? Do you know the true definition not what you have tailored to fit your requirements but the standard across the board meaning. For instance how can you expect some one you treat like shit do be loyal? How can you be upset if they abandon you or play for the next team? Sometimes you have to look at peoples mind set because after all everything is about perception…. let’s dig deep I’ll give you a scenario : Let’s say you are in an 8 yr relationship or 2 year relationship (doesn’t matter) . You have a couple that has a lot in common, same morals and principles, get along well (for the most part). On the outside it seems like the are a pretty descent almost perfect (perfect …that’s another blog in it’s entirety) couple. But here are the facts. He spends almost zero time at home, cheats and with cheating comes lies, Plus he is commita-phobe, and isn’t taking care of home in the tradition sense (that means not spending time or catering to the needs of the relationship he is in).
There are some money issues but nothing too dramatic. Now after 8 yrs of being a solider, shorty decides to go AWOL. This is the interesting part not only did all this time he expect loyalty, In her opinion he really didn’t show any. Moving right along ……….. So let’s elaborate: Only expect what you give. I know somethings are easier said than done but people (and in this cases the male) should be realistic. If you are not taking care of home you are lucky she only went AWOL and wasn’t disloyal. If you have time to cheat, then you have time to make your relationship work period (if you don’t want to make time don’t be in one WTF) because if you make a commitment it’s like a contract that’s your word if you don’t want to honor it pay the fucking penalty charge and bounce !! Choosing one over the other is being disloyal. Whether it is a friend, partner, family co-worker whatever person you decided to let into your life that is a trait you should look for and demand. Just because they don’t want to deal with your shit anymore doesn’t mean they aren’t loyal, that just means they no longer want to deal with your shit !!!!! Why should you be loyal to someone who betrayed your trust ? Not only that why continue to be loyal to someone who doesn’t try to earn it back or doesn’t show any signs of change. When it comes to friendships : Your friends should be the first to top the list especially your BF because she is your ultimate confidant. Even though I mostly talk about relationships here (man/woman) everything I say can be applied across the board (meaning that it apply in all situations friend,family,intimate). Now my personal opinion loyalty is who been there with you through thick and thin, your ride or die even when sometimes you didn’t deserve for them to be by your side, defends you when you are wrong ( fuck it I go hard for my ninjaz lol). Even if a better job offer came up they would still help you build from the ground up because they believe in your vision. Stick with you, even if you were broke because they know that that spell will not last forever. Give you their last and MOST importantly will never chose another!! (this type of loyalty rarely exists these days). Please be aware for the impostor that front like they have your best interest at heart while they have ulterior motives, and just want to “use somebody”. This happens to the best of us please do not think it can’t happen to you, because in the end you will get caught “slippin” and then find out who your real “peoplez” are. And might lose some loyal peoples in the process (on to the next one) These are just some attributes that I think defines loyalty How many people you know that can honestly say that your loyalty is unquestionable ??? ReSpEcT,
Reading ur blog…… Loyalty this what makes me really like you…just your thought and how you express yourself. You couldn’t be more right !!! Keep it up !! 😉
Im lovin this post! Loyalty is so hard to find and keep these days
Thought provoking blog, once i’m in a relationship I believe in loyalty and commitment. The masses should not follow everyone idea of perfect or what should, but rather what your heart wants.