Great Morning as my friend Chef Jay says lol I was in bed last night thinking about the times where I have felt like I was alone, and the people I thought I was close to was either nowhere to be found or just focused on their own lives. It made me feel at times that I did not matter. I was searching for my purpose and was depressed I still did not recognize what I really wanted to leave as my legacy. We have all felt like that on some level, particularly when others cannot relate to the difficulties we are or were facing at the moment. One thing that has borne out to me is YOU MATTER the universe always sends someone that can help, listen and support you through your difficult time. You are important your goals, your aspirations, your ideas all matter to someone you are exquisite and divine. You are art, that is on display for the world to view. Even if people come and go there are always reasons and seasons. Most importantly you are the constant. Do not get discouraged do not waver even in the darkest hour. You matter!! You are not alone I care, I trust in you. There were times where I desired to give up I have been misunderstood. After careful consideration, I said to myself, I am not a quitter, even if only one person reads each blog I happen to touch a person’s spirit. That is when I knew I had to keep pursuing my purpose and my dreams in order for me to feel whole and satisfied. Your aspirations are not mistakes, they are the movie clips to your soul that speak to you when your brain in resting from all the daily hustle and flow of life. You matter because you have a design, you are life. You are receiving this because you are loved. You matter because you make someone’s day. You matter because you believe you matter. You matter because I believe you matter. Remember this you can email me anonymously if you like because you matter, I am available if you need to talk anytime because after all YOU MATTER you are loved.
Ciao and Many Blessings,
Absolutely amazing
You are inspiring