I used to date a guy that would always say you have to control your emotions always think things out before making a move. As I am getting older I strive to control my emotions (I am a work in progress) but I know I have made a serious progress since my 20’s. I try and sometimes succeed in meditating before I respond to issues or dealing with individuals in my personal life or business. I have accepted people can only deal with you from their level of awareness and I am not accountable for the actions of others. I no longer take what others say and do to me personally. I understand that people have the right to change their mind about anything they choose to. Even if I disagree I can only accpet their truth, and none of those things are a reflection of me. This generation is caught up in being so busy living their lives, they sometimes forget that they are apart of others lives as well. We have all been guilty of this at some point or another. I jst want to do good by people and figure out my purpose. I began walking in my path and I am exicted to see where this takes me. I have overcome a vast amount of adversity in my life, and it is just starting to makes sense. I know that everything happens for a reason. I am not going to pretend it doesn’t hurt or frustate me when I do not understand the reason like all things you really start to understand the events that transpire toward the end of the ordeal. Here is how I try to regulate my reaction to my emotions so I can push forward and think about my next move and what makes sense for the best outcome possible. Sit down write down your thoughts and/ or feelings. Sit down in a quiet place meditate. Breath take long deep breaths put aside 20 min or so to clear your mind and refocus. Emotions have a way of sometimes getting the best of us, it is our responsiblity that we control them and react responsibly. We are all a work in progress. Rome was not built in a day. I hope you enjoyed my rabbbling lol. I was a mess before practicing controling my emotions. Let me be clear I am still a mess but at least I am standing taller and less likely to break down. I am more centered and that is a start.