I sat down a while ago with my a friend of mine called Blvk, he is an amazing photographer. He expressed to me that was starting a new series featuring dope men and women called The New Blvck. The new blvck will showcase organically dope individuals in professional and impromptu settings. it will showcase their beauty resonated thru his camera. I do not think I am photogenic but he has a way for making you think you are a model lmao. we discussed morals and principles as well as why and how I started La Bella Morenita. If you are looking for a professional photographer with a great sense of style , and has that dopeness factor the he is your man. Check him out on twitter : @kcvlb on instagram : just.blvck and his website is TheNewBlvck.com .
What is your personal style ?
That’s a great question! Thanks for caring about my style. I’d definitely say that the best way to describe my personal style is: Versatile Chic. I hate conforming to a specific style because I’m always open to switching up my looks. I have so many pieces in my wardrobe and I love mixing and matching to create different outfits with some of the same pieces. I can’t say that I chose to adopt a versatile style, because I’m naturally attracted to various looks and concepts especially clean lines. Instead, I choose not only to wear things with looks that are restricting or that fit under a specific umbrella, such as preppy, rebel, chic etc. I have rocked everything from combat boots and studs to floral print and leather. I have a weakness for loafers, leather, floral, blazers, booties, suede, statement necklaces and accessories, anything that sparkles and most importantly fur. I shop at various retailers that offer quality for affordable prices. But, of course, sometimes I splurge on things that I absolutely can’t live without.
Why did you create La Bella Morenita ?
At the time I started La Bella I had a lot to say and no outlet. This is when blogging started to become very big and I started the blog with no intentions on letting people see it. I always had a yearning for phenomenal things and I wanted to tap a market that I believed was under valued which is the Hispanic/ African American women’s market. I wanted to reach out to college, recent grads in the work field and professional women who are working towards the corner office. everyone wants to know your success story when you have “made” it, I want to discuss where you came from and where you are going now. I want the guts and the glory. I wanted to know what made people who they are. I decided that my website would be strictly lifestyle covering, events, beauty, culinary,travel and most of all relationships. I am proud to say my website does not focus on celebrity my only concern is the everyday woman.
How do you want to inspire those around you?
I try to inspire people by living a la Bella life although it is a slogan for my brand I actually live by that motto. I want people around me to be Bella . I encourage paying it forward going out of your way to do one random act of kindness a day. La Bella life is a lifestyle that can be attainable by anyone you do not have to be a “cool kid” or wear name brands you just have to be true to yourself, love and respect others around you, Be aware, kind, forgiving. I give back to my community I volunteer, I donate clothing , give to charity. I lead by example that is what La Bella life and being Bella is all about anyone can be beautiful and living a beautiful life. I want people to know that it is not about looks but your character your morals and principles, how you are spiritually. I want women to empower and support one another.
Who are your personal influences in life/ fashion?
Whew this is a hard one lol
Hmmmmmm ok remember during the Grammy’s when J Lo wore the plunging neckline dress that shocked everyone ? well that changed my life and the way I looked at fashion. It was so revealing and sexy classy I was like yasssss work I want to turn heads like that ! I read an article in high school about Oscar de la Renta I loved his dresses and then I realized he was Latino from the Dominican Republic , I was like wow I can do whatever I want. I was not born in this country and my family in my country is very poor it just instilled in me that I have a purpose and I have plenty of opportunity to be great and I need to figure out what it is and be that . Diane Von Furstenberg is another influence I love how all of her designs flatter women’s shapes, her wrap dresses fit various shapes is a definitely a staple piece. As far as life goes my Spirituality is a big influence over my life. It keeps my grounded, and focused on the bigger picture. Being Hispanic is another influence everything about my culture fits my personality sweet, spicy, colorful and diverse.
Ciao Bellas,